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COLD PRESSED Juices made from roots!

Welcome to Truly Rooted Juicery where we are fueling & healing the body naturally with root juices & more!

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Freshly Pressed Ginger Juice

Ginger Benefits

Week one Update: Ginger Shot- Has really helped boost my energy and helped with my inflammation in my knee."

Ebony B.

It's so good fresh and cold. I'm starting to get addicted! I can already feel the difference. I feel a boost of energy while I work when I'd normally be tired."

Ashley G.

My personal tip: For many years I have experienced SEVERE menstrual cramps and back pain! Up until 2 months ago when I started taking daily ginger shots.. I no longer suffer from either!!! highly recommend taking a daily dose or two if you suffer with cramps like I do."

Daphney W.

The ginger shots has helped me keep my bloating down and help me manage my moods."

Alicia C.

I'll take 2 bottles when the time comes. I haven't had the craving of caffeine in the morning the past 2 days!"


So I just took my last ginger shot and I had a hangover and it took it right away I can't believe it! I can't wait to get more."


These were the strongest ginger shots I've had in my life!"


I drink my shots w pomegranate. So good!"

Charliya J.

My body loves this ginger so much <3 I love you all forever for this! You've got a lifetime customer!"

Rosetta W.

Why Juice???

You can eat healthy food and still not absorb it!

People often ask "why juice?" and our answer is always the same! Just because you eat healthy does not mean that your body has digested the food properly.

Our teeth are intended to chew food to a pulp before swallowing to aid with digestion.

If your food is not chewed to a pulp texture (prior to swallowing) you'll probably miss out on 50% or more of the nutrients inside!

By juicing it allows us to extract the maximum amount of nutrients from produce while also maximizing absorption and digestion as well!

Ever notice that fruits and veggies resemble body parts?

Learn More About Us

Quality juice begins with quality equipment!

We cold press our juices using Goodnature's M1- Commercial Cold Pressing Machine.

Cold Pressing is a form of juicing which is the best way to extract the maximum amount of nutrients while also maintaining a longer shelf life.